GDPR Privacy Notice
The Peebles March Riding and Beltane Queen Festival is a charity registered in Scotland. Charity Number: SC045406. We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
This notice sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.
Legitimate interests
Under the new data protection law starting 25th May 2018 we have a number of lawful reasons that we can use (or 'process') your personal information. One of the lawful reasons is called 'legitimate interests'.
Broadly speaking Legitimate Interests means that we can process your personal information if:
So, what does this mean?
When you provide your personal details to us we use your information for our legitimate Charity purposes to uphold and promote the heritage, customs and traditions of the Peebles March Riding and Beltane Queen Festival, including the Proclaiming of Beltane Fair, the Riding of the Marches, the Crowning of the Beltane Queen and the Crying of the Old Burgh Boundaries for the benefit of the people of Peebles and the inhabitants and exiles of the Burgh. Before doing this, though, we will also carefully consider and balance any potential impact on you and your rights.
The example of when we might use the approach are for direct writing to patrons on an annual basis for the purposes of fundraising.
Our vision
Our vision is to maintain the heritage and traditions of the Peebles March Riding and Beltane Queen Festival.
And our objectives are to:
“uphold and promote the heritage, customs and traditions of the Peebles March Riding and Beltane Queen Festival, including the Proclaiming of Beltane Fair, the Riding of the Marches, the Crowning of the Beltane Queen and the Crying of the Old Burgh Boundaries for the benefit of the people of Peebles and the inhabitants and exiles of the Burgh.
In furtherance of these objects, the organisation shall be responsible for arranging ceremonies, processions and events within Peebles in support of the annual Peebles March Riding and Beltane Queen Festival; for carrying out fundraising activities in support of the festival and doing all other things as are charitable in law in pursuit of its charitable purposes.”
The Beltane will use various ways to achieve our mission and to support our objectives: we believe that people who share our objectives would love to know how to support us. We will process the personal information you have supplied to us to conduct and manage our charity to enable us to give you the most appropriate information. These are what we consider to be our 'Legitimate Interests'.
Our interests
The following are some examples of when and why we would use this approach in our work helping support the Beltane:
We will also hold information about you so that we can respect your preferences for being contacted by us.